
Peer reviewed papers

  1. Hofmann, L., Putri, A. K., Pitman, A., Bantjes, J., Castelli Dransart, D. A., Causer, H., Cerel, J., Chow, A., De Leo, D., Feigelman, B., Genest, C., Griffin, E., Hybholt, L., Kawashima, D., Kõlves, K., Krysinska, K., Leaune, E., Leenaars, A., Levi-Belz, Y., McNally, S., Omerov, P., Pelaez, S., Peprah, J., Postuvan, V., Rothes, I. A., Scavacini, K., Scocco, P., Seibl, R., Hagström, A. S., Skruibis, P., Thomyangkoon, P., Tiatia-Siau, J., Van der Hallen, R., Wagner, B., & Andriessen, K. (2024 online first). Perceived Effectiveness of Components of Interventions to Support People Bereaved By Suicide: A Metareview of Systematic Reviews. Crisis.
  2. Matsuo, U., Ninomiya, T., & Kawashima, D. (2024). Support for bereaved families at Hamamatsu City Mental Health and Welfare Center. Japanese Journal of Grief and Bereavement Research, 5, 93-99. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  3. Kawashima, D., Kempe, T., Koga, Y., Kubota, S., Tsujimoto, T., Urata, Y., Watanabe, T., & Kondo-Arita, M. (2024 online first). Development and initial validation of the Death Attitudes in Relationships Scale. Japanese Psychological Research.
  4. Koga, Y., & Kawashima, D. (in press). An examination of game addiction and recovery process. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology (In Japanese with English abstract).
  5. Sugiyama, H., & Kawashima, D. (2024). Teachers’ perspectives on students’ problematic behavior: Constructing a model based on teachers’ narratives of student guidance. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology, 23, S46-S52. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  6. Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., Shiraga, K., Kheibari, A., Cerel, J., & Kawano, K. (2024). Suicide attitudes among suicide loss survivors and their adaptation to loss: A cross-cultural study in Japan and the United States. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 88(4), 1258-1274.
  7. Kawashima, D., Kempe, T., & Koga, Y. (2023 online first). “I want my loved one back virtually”: Exploring the desire of bereaved people to create and maintain digital bonds with their deceased loved ones. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.
  8. Kawashima, D., Koga, Y., & Yoshioka, M. (2023). Feasibility of brief online gatekeeper training for Japanese university students: A randomized controlled trial. Death Studies, 47(5), 531-540.
  9. Koga, Y., Kawano, K. and Kawashima, D. (2022 online first). Does Video Game Play Elevate Suicide Risk? A Cross-sectional Study of Japanese Young Adults. Japanese Psychological Research.
  10. Breen, L., Kawashima, D., Joy, K., Cadell, S., Roth, D., Chow, A., & Macdonald, M. L. (2022). Grief Literacy: A call to action for compassionate communities. Death Studies, 46(2), 425-433.
  11. Koga, Y., & Kawashima, D. (2022). The Prevalence and Correlates of Game Addiction Among College Students: A Comparative Study of Game Addiction, SNS Addiction, and Pathological Gambling. Chukyo University Bulletin of Psychology, 21, 1-10. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  12. Tanaka, M., Kawashima, D., & Tujimoto, T. (2021). Development of Attitude to Indecisive/Reliant Scale for older adults: Toward an optimal for End of Life Care. Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry), 63, 1843-1850. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  13. Kawashima, D., Sakaguchi, Y., Fukunaga, T., & Kawano, K. (2021). Needs and situation of individuals bereaved by unnatural death: An exploratory study using the interview records from the Tokyo Medical Examiner’s Office. Japanese Journal of Grief and Bereavement Research, 2, 67-75. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  14. Tujimoto, T., Kawashima, D., & Tanaka, M. (2021). Development and validation of a scale for measuring end-of-life attitudes among older adults. Journal of health and welfare statistics, 68(7), 1-7. (In Japanese)
  15. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2020). Meanings of loss among Japanese suicide bereaved: Content analysis of open-ended responses. Japanese Psychological Research, 63(3), 288-296.
  16. Koga, Y., Yamamoto, T., & Kawashima, D. (2020). The Relationship between Game Addiction and Anhedonia: Exploring the Possibility of Intervention by Behavioral Activation. The Japanese Journal of Personality, 29(1), 31-33. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  17. Feigelman, W., Kawashima, D., Koga, Y., Kawano, K., & Cerel, J. (2020). Examining whether South Korean and Japanese views of suicide and death help to better understand their contrasting suicide patterns. Suicidology Online, 11(1), 41-52.
  18. Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2020). Is suicide beautiful?: Suicide acceptance and related factors in Japan. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention,  41, 114-120.
  19. Harada, C., Hatanaka, M., Kawano, K., Katsumata, Y., Kawashima, D., Shojima, S., Shiraga, K., & Kawamoto, S. (2019). Effect of a suicide prevention program in potentially high-risk adolescents defined by behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems. Japanese Journal of Psychology, 90(4), 351-359. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  20. Tanaka, M., Takahashi, M., & Kawashima, D. (2019 online first). End-of-Life activities among community-dwelling older adults in Japan. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.
  21. Kawashima, D. (2019). Development of the Japanese version of the Revised Death Anxiety Scale. Chukyo University bulletin of psychology, 18, 1-19. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  22. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2019). Parental grief after offspring suicide and adaptation to the loss in Japan. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 79(1), 34-51.
  23. Kawamoto, S., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2019). Psychometric consideration of the Japanese Version of the Stigma of Suicide Scale. Japanese Journal of Personality, 27(3), 270-272. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  24. Kawashima, D. (2018). Meanings of “meaning in bereavement”: Perspectives and prospects of meaning reconstruction theory. Qualitative Psychology Forum, 10, 16-23. (In Japanese)
  25. Koga, Y., & Kawashima, D. (2018). Development and validation of Japanese version of the Game Addiction Scale for adolescents. Japanese Journal of Personality, 27(2), 175-177. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  26. Shiraga, K., Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., & Kawano, K. (2018). Implicit attitude toward suicide: Comparison of death from disease or accident measured by the IAT. Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, 38(1), 45-54. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  27. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2017). Meaning reconstruction process after suicide: Life-story of a Japanese woman who lost her son to suicide. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 75(4), 360-375.
  28. Feigelman, W., Feigelman, B., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2017). Comparing facilitator priorities of suicide survivor support groups: A cross-cultural comparison between Japanese and American groups. Omega:  Journal of Death and Dying, 75(3), 219-229.
  29. Yoshimoto, S., Hasegawa, Y., Shudo, Y., Yamamoto, T., Kawashima, D., Kojima, Y. (2017). People's images of psychology students: Part I, online survey of parents of high school students. Chukyo University bulletin of psychology, 17(1), 81-85. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  30. Hasegawa, Y., Yoshimoto, S., Shudo, Y., Yamamoto, T., Kawashima, D., Kojima, Y. (2017). People's images of psychology students: Part II, how society evaluates their fundamental competencies for working persons. Chukyo University bulletin of psychology, 17(1), 87-92. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  31. Miura, M., Kawashima, D., & Takemoto, K. (2016). Scaffolding with significant others helps mother–child communication in early intervention programs for children who are deaf. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology, 15, 47-64.(In Japanese with English Abstract)
  32. Shiraga, K., Kawano, K., Katsumata, Y., Kawashima, D., & Shojima, S. (2015). The measurement for evaluation of suicide prevention education programs in Junior high school. Suicide prevention and crisis intervention, 35(1), 23-32. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  33. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K., & Shiraga, K. (2013). Validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the attitudes to suicide prevention scale (ASP-J): To evaluate health practitioner's attitudes toward suicide prevention. Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry), 55 (4), 347-354. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  34. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2013). The validity of the Japanese version of the suicide intervention response inventory. Journal of Mental Health, 59, 67-74.
  35. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2012). Development of a short version of the Suicide Intervention Response Inventory. Japanese Journal of Psychology, 83(4), 330-336. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  36. Kawashima, D., Shojima, S., & Kawano, K. (2011). Teachers’ difficulties of dealing with students’ self-harm and suicide. Suicide prevention and crisis intervention, 31(1), 51-57. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  37. Kawashima, D. (2011). Development and implications of qualitative research in death studies: Focusing on the psychology of death. Qualitative Psychology Forum, 2, 70-80. (In Japanese)
  38. Kawashima, D., Kawano, K., & Ito, H. (2010). Development of the Japanese Version of the Suicide Intervention Response Inventory (SIRI). Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry), 52 (6), 543-551. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  39. Shojima, S., Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2010). The image scheme of death and suicide. Journal of Mental Health, 56, 65-79. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  40. Kawashima, D., Kawano, K., Koyama, T. & Ito, H. (2010). Exploring the variables related to mental health of suicide survivors. Journal of Mental Health, 56, 55-63. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  41. Kawashima, D., Koyama, T., Kawano, K., & Ito, H. (2009). Physicians’ explanatory model for suicide prevention: Text-mining analysis of physicians’ statements to suicidal patients. Japanese Journal of Personality, 17 (2), 121-132. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  42. Ito, H., Kawano, K., Kawashima, D., & Kawanishi, C. (2008). Responses to patients with suicidal ideation among different specialties in general hospitals. General Hospital Psychiatry, 30 (6), 578-580.
  43. Kawashima, D. (2008). Meaning reconstruction theory: Perspectives and future approaches. Japanese Psychological Review, 51(4), 485-499. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  44. Kawashima, D. (2008). The role of religion in construction of the meaning of death and life: Case study of an elderly woman’s life story. Japanese Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 26 (1-2), 41-52. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  45. Kawashima, D. (2008). The meanings of death in the life stories of elderly Jodo Shinshu monks. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology, 7, 157-180. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  46. Kawashima, D. (2007). Narratives of a reunion with loved ones: the functions of coupling the deceased with the living. Kyoto University Research Studies in Education, 53, 150-165. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  47. Kawashima, D. (2006). Attitudes toward death and religiosity of the elderly Jodo shinshu laymen. Kyoto University Research Studies in Education, 52, 266-279. (In Japanese with English Abstract)
  48. Kawashima, D. (2005). The meaning of death of the elderly: Perspectives and future approaches. Kyoto University Research Studies in Education, 51, 247-261. (In Japanese with English Abstract)

Invited papers

  1. Kawashima, D. (in press). Support for suicide loss survivors in Japan. Journal of Suicidology, 19(2).
  2. Kawashima, D. (2023). Current trends and future directions of suicide prevention: The role of meanings of life and death. Japanese Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 40(2), 83-89. (In Japanese)
  3. Kawashima, D. (2022). Preventing child and adolescent suicide: What we can do. Pediatric Health Research, 81(6), 473-480. (In Japanese)
  4. Kawashima, D. (2021). Support for suicide loss survivors: Current situation, method, and future perspectives. Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(5), 582-586. (In Japanese)
  5. Kawashima, D. (2020). Support for suicide loss survivors. Japanese Journal of Grief and Bereavement Research, 1, 13-19. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  6. Kawashima, D. (2018). Meanings of “meaning in bereavement”: Perspectives and prospects of meaning reconstruction theory. Qualitative Psychology Forum, 10, 16-23. (In Japanese)
  7. Kawashima, D. (2011). Development and implications of qualitative research in death studies: Focusing on the psychology of death. Qualitative Psychology Forum, 2, 70-80. (In Japanese)


Editorials & Books

  1. Matsuhima, K., Ohashi, A., & Kawashima, D. (Eds.), (2023). Religion and spirituality opened a new world of psychology (Shukyo ga Hiraku Atarashii Sekai). Tokyo: Fukumura publishing.
  2. Kawashima, D., Matsumoto, M., Tokuda, H., & Hosaka, Y. (Eds.), (2020). Developmental Psychology of Various Lives (Tayohna Jinsei no Katachi ni Semaru Hattatsu Shinrigaku). Kyoto: Nakanishiya publishing.
  3. Nochi, M. (Editor in chief), Kagawa, S., Kawashima, D., Sato, T., Shibayama, M., Suzuki, S., Fujie, Y. (Eds.), (2018). Dictionary of Japanese Qualitative Psychology. Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  4. Kawashima, D., & Kondo, M. (Eds.), (2016). Introduction to Psychology of Death and Life (Hajimeteno Shisei Shinrigaku). Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  5. Kawashima, D., & Katsuura, M. (Eds.), (2016). Involvement with Children: Description, Reflection, and Dialogues in/ for Educational Practices (Kodomo to Mukaiau: Kyoiku-jissenn no Kijyutsu, Seisatsu, Taiwa). Kyoto: Ratik.
  6. Matsushima, K., Kawashima, D., & Nishiwaki, R. (Eds.), (2016). Psychologizing religion in Japan (Shukyo wo Shinrigaku Suru). Tokyo: Seishinshobo.
  7. Kawashima, D. (2014). Narrative workbook for suicide survivors (Jishi de Taisetsunahito wo ushinatta anata heno naratibu wa-kubukku). Tokyo: Shinyosha Publishing.
  8. Kawashima, D. (2011). Meanings of death and the relationship with religion through lifespan development: Toward narrative thanatology (Shogai hattatsu ni okeru shi no imizuke to syuukyou: narativu shiseigaku ni mukete). Kyoto: Nakanishiya publishing.

Book Chapters

  1. Kempe, T., & Kawashima, D. (in press). Managing grief. In T. Akechi, M. Asai, Y. Sakaguchi, N. Seto, & H. Matsuoka (Eds.), Psychiatry of Bereavement and Grief. Tokyo: Nanzando. (In Japanese)
  2. Kawashima, D., & Sugiyama, H. (2024). Challenges and solutions in schools (3): Abuse, suicide, and death education (Written only in section 2 (suicide) and section 3 (death education)). In T. Morita, & S. Yoshida (Eds.), School Guidance: Exercises for Understanding Teaching (3), 2nd ed. (pp.80-92).  Kyoto: Minerva Publishing. (In Japanese.)
  3. Koga, Y., & Kawashima, D. (2023). Qualitative research: Narrative psychology. (Shitsutek Kenkyu: Narathivu Shinrigau). In K. Matsuhima, A. Ohashi, & D, Kawashima (Eds.), Religion and spirituality opened a new world of psychology (Shukyo ga Hiraku Atarashii Sekai). Tokyo: Fukumura publishing.
  4. Kawashima, D., & Urata Y. (2020). Role of religion in the aftermath of a major disaster: A lesson from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. In M. Takahashi (Ed.), The Empirical Study of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality in Japan (pp.57-70). San Antonio, Texas: Elm Grove Publishing.
  5. Kawashima, D. (2018). Construction of the GRIP (GRIP no kousei). In K. Kawano, & Y. Katsumata, (Eds.), GRIP: Suicide prevention education program in a school setting (Kodomo no jisatsu yobou puroguramu: GRIP) (pp.10-22). Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  6. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2017)..Japan – Research-informed support for suicide survivors. In K. Andriessen, K. Krysinska, & O. Grad (Eds.), Postvention in Action: The international handbook of suicide bereavement support. (pp. 396–401). Boston, MA: Hogrefe Publishing Corporation.
  7. Feigelman, W., Feigelman, B., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2017). Priorities for suicide survivor support groups: A comparison between Japan and the USA. In K. Andriessen, K. Krysinska, & O. Grad (Eds.), Postvention in Action: The international handbook of suicide bereavement support. (pp. 131–138). Boston, MA: Hogrefe Publishing Corporation.
  8. Kawashima, D. (2016). Death in late-adulthood (Rounenki niokeru shi). In D. Kawashima & M. Kondo (Eds.), Introduction to Psychology of Death and Life (Hajimeteno Shisei Shinrigaku) (pp.175-188). Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  9. Kondo, M., & Kawashima, D. (2016). Death in young-adulthood. (Seijinki niokeru shi) In D. Kawashima & M. Kondo (Eds.), Introduction to Psychology of Death and Life (Hajimeteno Shisei Shinrigaku) (pp.141-153). Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  10. Shojima, S., & Kawashima, D. (2016). Qualitative method (Shitsuteki kenkyuhou). In D. Kawashima & M. Kondo (Eds.), Introduction to Psychology of Death and Life (Hajimeteno Shisei Shinrigaku) (pp.211-224). Tokyo: Shinyosya Publishing.
  11. Kawashima, D., & Urata Y. (2016). Religion to live by after natural disasters: A testament from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995. In K. Matsushima, D. Kawashima & R. Nishiwaki (Eds.), Psychologizing religion in Japan (Shukyo wo Shinrigaku Suru) (pp.45-60). Tokyo: Seishinshobo.
  12. Kawashima, D. (2016). Qualitative method1: KJ method (Shitsutekikenkyu1: KJ hou). In N. Tajima & S. Iwadate, & T. Nagasaki (Eds.), Handbook of developmental psychology, new edition (Shin hattatsushinrigaku handobukku) (pp.881-885). Toyko: Fukumurashuppan Publishing.
  13. Kawashima, D. (2015). Mapping the influence of loss. In R. A. Neimeyer, (Ed.), Techniques of grief therapy: Assessment and intervention (pp.113-116). New York: Routledge.
  14. Kawashima, D. & Yamada, Y. (2015). Techniques of research interview and the analysis (Chousa Ni okeru Intabyu: Katari no Kikikata, matomekata). In Japanese association of psychology (Ed.), Basics of psychology: Learn through experiment and practical training (Jikken to jisshu de manabu shinrigaku no kiso) (pp.224-233). Tokyo: Kanekoshobo Publishing.
  15. Kawashima, D. (2014). Concept of interview (Intabyu no gainen). In Y. Yamada, T. Asao, T. Sato, M. Nochi, K. Akita & K. Yamori (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative psychology (Shitsutekishinrigaku handobukku) (pp.294-306.). Tokyo: Shinyosha Publishing. 
  16. Kawashima, D. (2013). Sociality of the elderly (Koureiki no shakaisei). In K. Ninomiya, S. Ukitani, K. Horige, J. Ando, K. Fujita, S. Ojio, & Y. Watanabe (Eds.), Handbook of personality psychology (Pahsonarithi handobukku) (pp.322-327.). Toyko: Fukumurashuppan Publishing.
  17. Kawashima, D. (2012). Measurement of personality: Interview and observational method (pahsonarithi no sokutei: mensetsuhou to kansatsuhou). In K. Suzuki (Ed.), Introduction to personality psychology (Pahsonarithishinrigaku gairon) (pp.191-201). Kyoto: Nakanishiya publishing.
  18. Kawashima, D. (2011). Possibilities of Qualitative Method in religious psychology (Shuukyoshinrigaku niokeru shitsutekikenkyu no houhouron to sono kanousei). In S. Kaneko (Editor in chief), Y. Kono, R. Nishiwaki, S. Sugiyama & K. Matsushima (Eds.), Introduction to religious psychology (Shukyoshinrigaku gairon) (pp.23-24). Kyoto: Nakanishiya publishing.
  19. Kawashima, D. & Kawano. K. (2011). Care for suicide survivors (Jishiizoku kea). In  Y. Cho. (Ed.), Basic initiatives for suicide prevention (Jisatsuyobou no kisosenryaku) (pp.219-226). Tokyo: Nakayamashoten.
  20. Kawashima, D. (2009). Death attitudes among adolescence: What is death? (Seineki no shiseikan: shi nu toha?) In K. Miyazaki (Editor in chief), K. Matsushima, & H. Hashimoto (Eds.), Welcome to Adolescent psychology (Youkoso! seinenshinrigaku) (pp.155-165). Kyoto: Nakanishiya publishing.
  21. Kawashima, D. (2009). Meanings of death of Elderly people and the relation to religion: A narrative approach (Rounenki no shi no imizuke to shukyo tono kakawari: narativu apurouchi niyoru tansaku). In M. Shiozaki & T. Okada (Eds.), Self psychology Vol.3, Health psychology and clinical psychology (Jikosinrigaku Vol.3, Kenkoushinrigaku, rinshoushinrigaku) (pp.62-63) Tokyo: Kanekoshobo Publishing.
  22. Kawashima, D. (2007). Life-review (raifu revyu). In Y. Yamada (Ed.), Method of Qualitative Psychology: A Narrative Approach (Shitsuteki shinrigaku no houhou: Katari wo kiku) (pp.144-158). Tokyo: Shinyosha Publishing.
  23. Kawashima, D. (2007). Meanings of death and life: A qualitative approach (Shisei no imizuke to shitsuteki kenkyu). In K. Akita & M. Nochi (Editors in chief), T. Endo & Y. Sakagami (Eds.), Qualitative approach for developmental psychology: Learn through the cases (Hajimete no shitsuteki kenkyu: Jirei kara manabu) (pp.317-340). Tokyo: Tokyotosho Publishing.

Conference paper

Koga Y., Kawashima D. (2019) The Relationship Between Video Game Play and Suicide Risk Among Japanese Young Adults. In C. Stephanidis, & M. Antona (Eds.), HCI International 2019 – Late Breaking Posters: HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science (vol.1088) (pp.309-314). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Invited presentations

  1. Kawashima, D. (2024). Support for suicide loss survivors in Japan. Taiwan-Japan Cultural Exchange Meeting for Suicide Prevention Research/ Education Collaboration (National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taiwan).
  2. Kawashima, D. (2023). Attitudes toward the end of life among Japanese older adults: An overview of the empirical findings and the practical tool. A HOPE Nurses Conference, The HIV Online Provider Education Program and Harvard University Center for AIDS Research (Cambridge (online), USA).
  3. Kawashima, D. (2010). Programs for Suicide Prevention in Japan. Proceedings of 4th International symposium of Korea association for suicide prevention (Seoul, Korea), 1-2.

International Conference Presentations

  1. Kawashima, D. (2024). Support for suicide loss survivors in Japan. Taiwan-Japan Cultural Exchange Meeting for Suicide Prevention Research/ Education Collaboration (National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taiwan).
  2. Kawashima, D (2023). Attitudes toward the end of life among Japanese older adults: An overview of the empirical findings and the practical tool. A HOPE Nurses Conference: The HIV Online Provider Education Program and Harvard University Center for AIDS Research, Cambridge (online): USA.
  3. Kawashima, D. (2023). Life-Ending Work. Pre-Meeting Conference of the 33rd International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement Meeting: Grief Literacy: From Theory to Action (Halifax, Canada).
  4. Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., Shiraga, K., Kheibari, A., Cerel, J., & Kawano, K. (2019). Attitudes toward suicide and anxiety-free living: A cross-cultural study of suicide loss survivors in Japan and the United States. Proceedings of the 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
  5. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2017). Meanings of loss among Japanese suicide bereaved: Content analysis of free-response narratives. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
  6. Koga, Y., Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2017). Exploring factors related to suicide ideation among Japanese. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
  7. Kawamoto, S., Shiraga, K., Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2017). Development of the Japanese Version of the Stigma of Suicide Scale. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
  8. Kawano, K., Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., & Shiraga, K. (2017). Suicide beautification in Japan. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
  9. Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2016). The stigma of suicide among Japanese suicide bereaved: A preliminary report. International Journal of Psychology, 51(Supplement S1), 700.
  10. Kawashima, D., Urata Y., & Takeda, M. (2016). Day after the disaster: Bereaved and the role of religion after Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. International Journal of Psychology, 51(Supplement S1), 966.
  11. Kawashima, D., & Kawano, K. (2016). Postvention in Japan. Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, 129 (Tokyo, Japan).
  12. Feigelman, W., Feigelman, B., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2016). Comparing facilitator priorities of suicide survivor support groups: A cross-cultural comparison between Japanese and American groups. Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention , 130 (Tokyo, Japan).
  13. Kawamoto, S., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., Kheibari, A., Cerel, J., & Kawano, K. (2016). Social stigma among suicide survivors: Reports from cross-cultural comparison study. Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, 130 (Tokyo, Japan).
  14. Kawano, K., Kawashima, D., & Kawamoto, S. (2016). A suicide prevention education programs in junior high school in Japan. Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, 139 (Tokyo, Japan).
  15. Kawashima, D., Kawamoto, S., & Kawano, K. (2015). Parental grief after offspring suicide and adaptation to the loss: What can reduce distress? Proceedings of the 2015 International Summit on Suicide Research (New York, USA).
  16. Kawamoto, S., Kawashima, D., Shiraga, K., & Kawano, K. (2015). Attitude of psychotherapists toward suicide prevention: Effect of training for suicide prevention. Proceedings of the 2015 International Summit on Suicide Research (New York, USA).
  17. Kawano, K., Kawamoto, S., Kawashima, D., Shojima, S., Shiraga, K., & Katsumata, Y. (2015). Development a scale for evaluation of suicide prevention education. Proceedings of the 2015 International Summit on Suicide Research (New York, USA).
  18. Kawano, K., Kawashima, D., Shojima, S., & Shiraga, K. (2014). Cognitive framework for suicide: From the point of view of metaphor. Proceedings of 6th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (Tahiti, French Polynesia).
  19. Kawashima, D. (2014). Possibilities and Difficulties of Suicide Prevention in School Settings: From Research Findings and Practices.  International Seminar of Narrative Psychology and Education (1): Method of Multicultural Communication for Children and Youth (Ritsumeikan University, Japan).
  20. Kawashima, D. (2013). Meaning Reconstruction Process after Suicide: Life-story of a Suicide Survivor. Proceedings of 13th European Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden).
  21. Kawashima, D. (2011). Meaning Reconstruction and the Aftermath of Suicide. Proceedings of International Symposium of Life-span Developmental Psychology (Northeastern Illinois University, USA).
  22. Kawano, K., Kawashima, D. & Shojima, S. (2010). Community resident's attitude to suicide and suicide prevention in Japan. Proceedings of 4th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (Brisbane, Australia).
  23. Kawashima, D. (2010). Programs for Suicide Prevention in Japan. Proceedings of 4th International symposium of Korea association for suicide prevention (Seoul, Korea), 1-2.
  24. Kawashima, D., Koyama, T., Kawano, K., & Ito, H. (2008). An explanatory model of physicians for suicide prevention: Analysis of physicians’ statements made to suicidal patients. Proceedings of 29th International Congress of Psychology (Berlin, Germany), 324.
  25. Kawashima, D. (2007). Narratives of a Reunion with loved ones. Proceedings of Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois, USA), 269-270.
  26. Kawashima, D. (2007). Short Reports: The meaning in/of death and life of the elderly (A Day in Japanese: Current Issues and Contributions of Qualitative Research in and outside of Japan). Proceedings of Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois, USA), 3.
  27. Kawashima, D. (2006). Attitudes toward death and religiosity of the elderly Jodo-Shinshu laymen. Proceedings of 4th International Workshop for Young Psychologists on Evolution and Development of Cognition (Kyoto, Japan), 17.
  28. Kawashima, D. (2006). The multiplicity of meanings of death and their relation to religion: Perspectives of elderly Buddhist monks. Proceedings of Second International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois, USA), 201-202.
  29. Kawashima, D. (2006). The meanings of death of the elderly Jodo Shinsyu monks: Multiplicity of the meanings and the developmental trajectories. Proceedings of COE21 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (Kyoto University, Japan), 84.
  30. Kawashima, D. (2005). The meaning of death and dying of the elderly people who believed in Buddhism: Meaningful narratives from life-story interview. Proceedings of First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (University of Illinois, USA), 251-252. 
  31. Kawashima, D. (2005). The meaning of death and dying of the elderly people who believed in Buddhism: The mutuality between religion and the attitudes toward death and dying. Proceedings CD-ROM of the 9th European Congress of Psychology (Granada, Spain).
  32. Kawashima, D. (2004). The meaning of death and dying of the elderly: The configuration of Neutral acceptance. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop for Young Psychologists on Evolution and Development of Cognition (Kyoto University, Japan), 29.
  33. Kawashima, D. (2004). Death meaning of elderly Buddhist monk in Japan: Developmental trajectories of meaning. Proceedings of 28th International Congress of Psychology (Beijing, China), 156-157.
  34. Kawashima, D. (2003). Meaning of death: Search for an interview protocol. Proceedings of COE21 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Diversity of Cognition: Evolution, Development, Domestication, and Pathology (Kyoto University, Japan), 39.
  35. Kawashima, D. (2003). Meaning of death: Perspectives from research interviews with the elderly. Proceedings of International Young psychologist workshop1 (Kyoto University, Japan), 4.